International Animation Day (IAD) celebrations started in 1982 by ASIFA, the International Animation Association (Association Internationale du film d’Animation).
- The day marks the founding of Animation in 1892, by Emile Reynaud, in Paris, France (with the first public animation projection)
- It is simultaneously celebrated around the globe, in more than 50 countries, on nearly all continents. ASIFA offers films for exchange, a poster, and other connections
- On this day, October 28, we foreground the Art of Animation, and how it communicates across borders
- Through this celebration, we have a sense of connectedness with other animators around the world, as we spread goodwill, mutual understanding and peace
Each year, ASIFA calls upon an important animator to create the poster for International Animation Day, celebrated on October 28 around the world.
Poster Design Guidelines:
- Delivered digitally – preferably in a Photoshop document that would separate out any text elements from the image elements (if applicable).
- Portrait format
- One Sheet 685.8 x 1016mm or 27 x 40 in
- Resolution of 300 dpi
- Please consider other formatting options in the design. The poster will need to be formatted for internet, phone, Facebook, etc. Which means adapted to landscape format.
- Please provide fonts (for translating into other languages)
- The IAD coordinator will work with you in the layout needs and can develop the additional formatting with your support.
Please Include on the poster:
- International Animation Day Title
- ASIFA International Logo
- ASIFA web address: and
- Your signature or name(s)
- Leave space for groups to add logistics: Time, Date, Place, etc
- Leave space at the bottom for additional local sponsors
- Please send 500 characters or less Bio in English about the creator including any links to their work.
- Please send a photo of the creator
- Please send some quotes or comments about the inspiration for the poster, for promotional purposes.
The art for the poster can be inspiring for our world members and some of them may be interested in creating a promotional animation based on the poster as ASIFA USA Central did in 2018 and 2019. In this regard, we ask that the poster be provided under the licensing structure of
Creative Commons Attribution CC BY (open to remix, tweak, and build upon original artist who is always attributed)
- November 1st latest start date for the poster design for the following year IAD Celebration.
- Please provide your thoughts and ideas along with any roughs sketches of your ideas to the IAD Coordinator.
- January 15th Completed artwork ready for review.